Tuesday 3 January


7th pd. Fiction review- Use purple books in window

“Most Dangerous Game”- p.2
Notes- define all of the bold words on pages 2-3.  Don’t copy exactly; put in your own words.
Begin reading the story-

8th pd.
Computers/ Indep. reading-  You need to add your journal to today’s post. 


7 responses »

  1. The most important character is Ana becauseshe moved into a new town and nobody liked her until she made a pie tht people were hating on because it looked nasty until she won first place…

  2. “Head Cases”
    My favorite sentence so far is people have been curious about the brain for thousands of years bacause ancient peole perfomed brain surgery.They have been doing this since the Stone Age(9,000 years ago).

  3. By: Nick Newman
    Brothers In Arms:
    matrin has to stay after detention to talk to one of his teachers Mr. Mitchell. His teacher makes him so pissed off and frustrated withall the dumb questions he ask martin about his behavior and future that martin ends up kicking a desk across the class room. Mr. Mitchell gets in martins way when martin leaves and martin wanted to beat him up if he didnt let him go.
    Martins old school and new school had a football game. Martin showed up with about 5 minutes left in the game and his new school ends up winning which he didnt want to happen. It was a close game his old school was winning with secnds on the clock and steeve, martins enemy runs a kick return breaking tackles, jumping over an opponent, and decking people. Martin is so pissed off he starts swearing out loud.

  4. Taylor Christopherson, January 3rd. 2012
    Pat and Rob get into a fight because Rob was making fun of Pats dad saying that he didn’t make enough money. Pat punched Rob ad he fell to the ground, hitting his head on the concrete. They were also both drunk.

  5. i was reading the book called toe tagged. its about investegating how some one died if it was accidental or muder. its shows how someone docter preforms an autosopy it shows what kind s of things they do that help them find it if it was accidental or murder

  6. I can’t understand why Ricky doesn’t just tell his parents he couldn’t read he couldnt read and he didn’t tell he girlfriend he been dating for 3months.

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